The Kiskadee is a bird native to Guyana and often referred to in Edgar Mittelholzer's brilliant novel, The Life and Death of Sylvia (1953). The bird is so named because its cry seemed by French colonists to be enquiring: "Qu’ est ce qu’il dit?". So what did he say? This blog is about two key topics: EDGAR MITTELHOLZER (his life and his works) and ME (my encounter with Mittelholzer and tales of life in Guyana).

Monday 29 September 2014

Mission 1 - Wakapoa

The black water, translucent, spears through the green, brown-tipped rushes. Uniform like the bristles on a brush, the green stretches for miles. The rest is all sky. For a time we, the boat passengers, say nothing. In awe. Mission 1 in Wakapoa is signalled by a giant Comaaka tree: it's outspread branches, welcoming. Awakened from his private reveries, Bolo tastes the water and nods: "It gud. Gud!"

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