The Kiskadee is a bird native to Guyana and often referred to in Edgar Mittelholzer's brilliant novel, The Life and Death of Sylvia (1953). The bird is so named because its cry seemed by French colonists to be enquiring: "Qu’ est ce qu’il dit?". So what did he say? This blog is about two key topics: EDGAR MITTELHOLZER (his life and his works) and ME (my encounter with Mittelholzer and tales of life in Guyana).

Monday 24 November 2014

Pomeroon Chips: Shades of Grey

No bright shards of light this morning. No clear blue sky. Everything out of character, everything a shade of grey. Purple-grey clouds, greeny-grey mangroves, browny-grey river. And then the downpour erasing almost everything from view. Slanted by the wind on occasion but mostly straight and mostly heavy. Relentless. The canals burst their banks, flood the already sodden earth beneath our house, and as crabs emerge, do the sideways dance, frogs break their solemn promise to only sing at night. Flying ants appear from nowhere. Leave a litter of discarded wings, like miniature leaves, a confetti of petals. Little shlips of grey all over the shelves, the dressing table, the dining table, the kitchen table and the floor. The kittens stay huddled in an armchair not sure how to respond to the intemperately wet, the intemperately cool weather.

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