The Kiskadee is a bird native to Guyana and often referred to in Edgar Mittelholzer's brilliant novel, The Life and Death of Sylvia (1953). The bird is so named because its cry seemed by French colonists to be enquiring: "Qu’ est ce qu’il dit?". So what did he say? This blog is about two key topics: EDGAR MITTELHOLZER (his life and his works) and ME (my encounter with Mittelholzer and tales of life in Guyana).

Tuesday 19 October 2010

Poet Creating (written in March 1941)

Why must I create and create?

What Lernian Hydra[i] with unresting mania

Impels my pen, compels my mind

To feed and feed and sate

Its many mouths— its all-hungry yearning bellies?

To root, delve, to rummage and to find

This thought, that truth, this hue and tint

Until the very wrecked timbre of my being

Reels and quivers like a noisy mint,

Coining words and dreams and potent jellies?—

And no peace, no peace for me—

No cooling wind, no shade of tamarind tree

To give me respite from this surging thing;

No wizard-wand from out the burning day

To touch my spirit and wake me free.

[i] A Lernian [or Lernaean] Hydra, from Greek mythology, was a monstrous serpent with numerous heads that attacked with poisonous venom. As one of its head was immortal it was, ultimately, indestructible.

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